Average time to fill out the form is 60 seconds


Unveiling the True Price of Delivery with Our Free Landed Cost Calculator

Most entrepreneurs don’t realize that the cost of their product is typically less than 50% of the total landed costs.

Why not? To put it frankly, many entrepreneurs are too busy to take the 30 seconds needed to calculate their product's landed costs.

Don’t be like most entrepreneurs.

Use our free landed cost calculator to get a clearer picture of your expenses and find ways to make your business more efficient.

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Product Information

Please select your preferred measurement system

What product(s) do you manufacture?

What is the average weight of your product(s)? (lbs)
Used to understand shipping cost

How many units do you sell per month?

Used to understand financing cost + ability to utilize full container-loads

What is your cost per unit in USD?

Used to understand financing cost and impact of tariffs/customs duties

What are the approximate dimensions of each unit)? (inches)
Used to understand container costs, storage costs, and shipping costs

What is your current method for importing your products?

Typical container size:

What is your average shipping cost per order?


Importing Information

Please note that industry-wide standards have been added. However, if you would like to include your own numbers, please do so. If not, click 'See My Results' to proceed to the final page.

What is your average cost per container for ocean freight?


What is your average  import duties/tariff rate?

0 %

What is your average cost/lib for air freight?


What is your average import duties/tariff rate?

Additional shipping fees

3PL Fees (optional)

Please note that industry-wide standards have been added. However, if you would like to include your own numbers, please do so. If not, click 'See My Results' to proceed to the final page.

What is your 3PL monthly account fee?


What is your Receiving/Inbound Fee per pallet?


What is the storage fee or warehousing fee per month for a cubic foot?


What is the Pick & Pack fee per order?


What are your fees for materials per order?


Finance and Inventory Information (optional)

Please note that industry-wide standards have been added. However, if you would like to include your own numbers, please do so. If not, click 'See My Results' to proceed to the final page.

What APR do you pay for Inventory Financing?
Interest rate for inventory financing on an annualized basis.


Of the total inventory you ordered last year, what percentage would you consider to be overstock or clearance items?


How many days, on average, does it take from the manufacturing of your products until you receive payment from your customers?


Select the region where are you currently selling your product?

How can we send you your personalized calculator?

You’re almost there.  The results are just around the corner.
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